So, um, yea....Welcome to my bloggy blog. Many of you know that I'm a self-proclaimed blogophile and some of you had even suggested that I create my own. It was always in the back of my head to create one but I tend to get busy with school and projects and I don't have the best writing skills so I always put the thought aside.
This year I decided to keep an "inspiration journal". A sort of diary of things that inspire me on a day to day. Something to look back on and gain direction from. As a creative person, I not only need inspiration to create...I need it to live. I know a lot of you feel the same. So I decided to push all my insecurities aside and just do the damn thing. Create a blog about my existence as a creative person (hence the title of the blog). The web address, (yes, I know I misspelled the first "breathe"...I just said a paragraph ago that I'm not the best writer, haha) first came from the thought of naming the blog, "Respiration" (also the title of one of my favorite BlackStar joints). "Escuchela.. la ciudad respirando" (translation: listen to it.. the city breathing) the female element in that cut, which I thought would be dope since I live in such a lively city (San Francisco)...but this blog is my voice and not so much the city's.
So with all that said and out of the way...Thanks for visiting and enjoy being a witness to my existence.
saaa-weeeet! even though i think i witness a good deal of your existence - upclose and in person ;) - i'm glad to see you here and that the world will have an opportunity to see you too.
um, so how do i rss feed this biatch?
hey there I'm writting in english althought i think you speak spanish? mmmh just in case then.
You have a nice blog, pretty interesting stuff. Blogging is also my addiction and now I fell into yours. I'll say I'm going to keep an eye on you +favorite.
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