Wednesday, April 11, 2007


...of a Miles Davis book I'm working on in my Type 3 class. 100+ pages. It'll be perfect bound and I'll be getting 3-5 made (depending on how much i dig it ;))

What do you think? Don't say nice things just to say nice things either!


Anonymous said...

Yo, I dig it! Although I wish I could see it bigger. Hit me up with a pdf if ya want. Oh, I dropped Type 3. Bummer. Im done being upset about it though. Teacher was so not cool. Ne-ways, good work.

Anonymous said...

3-5 HUH.i want to read it.whoever gets a copy is in select company unahimsayin?because i know u heard on me the radio,i know u seen me in the video....

p.s. i love colors.transparent oceanic colors.